Similarity psychology
Similarity psychology

similarity psychology

Similar items are grouped together based on elements like color, size, shape, texture, dimension or orientation. Principle of Similarity states things that are similar are perceived to be more related than dissimilar things. Viola!! It’s a win-win situation for both customer and the seller. It is a common practice in departmental stores and supermarkets to place the bread and crackers next to the jam, butter, cheese, meat, and eggs, as they are generally consumed together, and hence such grouping is done to make it convenient for the customers, but at the same time it subconsciously triggers their minds to buy both or more things from the store. What we might not intuitively understand, however, is how powerful the Principle of Proximity is. All of us intuitively understand that the simplest way to indicate relatedness is to manipulate proximity. Principle of Proximity does not rely on any extraneous structure it is among the first principles to impact our perception and from which we derive understanding. For example, if a product is presented next to a photo of a celebrity, we tend to perceive the two as being associated, which influences us to purchase the product. This is known as grouping and involves the law of proximity. Gestalt Psychology suggests our minds group things together if they are near one another. And yet your brain interprets the image on the right as three distinct groups. The only thing differentiating the group on the left from those on the right is the proximity of the lines.

Similarity psychology